Freedome Enterprises Worldwide

The Power of Self-Discipline

Picture of Freedome Nsoroma Lee-El

Freedome Nsoroma Lee-El

Founder of Freedome Enterprises Worldwide

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To ensure the integrity of our individual legacies, we must master self- discipline. and bare full responsibility for our lives and our achievements.

There are those who relish in being students for life, and I must say I do understand the importance of continually learning and growing through self-discipline. Being taught by others who are said to have greater knowledge or even greater skill has its merits. However, there is something special about self-motivated, self-activated, and self-generated learning that leads to mastery and allows us to truly own what we know. This can only be accomplished through self-discipline

You Can Achieve What You Desire Through Discipline

Learning through self-discipline gives it more purpose. It will allow you to actualize your goals and consistently achieve an intended outcome. If you are driven by an innate desire to master a skill then it will yield a greater reward that builds confidence, insight, deeper understanding and creative ability, while developing our thinking to its greatest extent. This is the power of self-discipline.

For, if I really want to learn patience, instead of reading more books, taking more classes, and talking about it with others, I can commit to practicing patience every day. By practicing everyday, my life will change. The key to having anything you desire in this world is self-discipline that allows you to consistently work towards your goals.

Learning Self-Discipline

In college, if we get to go, we spend gobs of money on four years of packing in the information with an expectation that after graduation we’ll find a good job and earn the money we spent back plus some more, as we gain experience. This model is flawed. It fails to teach or allow for the development of self-discipline. Too much emphasis is placed on intellectual prowess and gaining knowledge without real purpose. And what good is amassing knowledge for the sake of knowing? Even YouTube has taught us how much we can do on our own because we have access to so much information that we can utilize to change our lives for the better. But we need self-discipline to be able to seize the opportunities. The limitations are up to us.

Final Thoughts

To ensure the integrity of our individual legacies, we must master the art of self-discipline. We must each bare full responsibility for our own lives and what we learn. Then, what we leave behind is an example of how to truly live life to the fullest, achieving all that we will, through the power of self-discipline.