Freedome Enterprises Worldwide

The Impact of Reading on A Life

Picture of Freedome Nsoroma Lee-El

Freedome Nsoroma Lee-El

Founder of Freedome Enterprises Worldwide

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Let's explore the profound impact that reading can have on a life. Through literacy, we can open doors that we never even knew existed.

There is a simple, yet profound way to enhance the quality of our lives. It’s reading, and it’s free. Learning to read is a powerful tool. It opens doors and expands horizons, births deep compassion, and creates an alternate universe, where dreams become reality for a time. When I’m reading, I’m in full bloom. I feel inspired with confidence, in command, empowered and free. No wonder the African ancestors who were enslaved where willing to risk death or the most severe punishments just to learn how to read. They had a deeper understanding of the impact of reading on a life.

How Reading Shapes Our Lives

There are still many people in society today who cannot read. In their world, there are closed doors and seemingly insurmountable obstacles. However, their bright minds and strong wills create opportunities for success despite not knowing how to read. They find ways to compensate and thrive. In fact, many do very well for themselves. So it’s very clear that there is life without reading. People can get along without it, but why would we want to? The impact of reading on a life is immeasurable. Reading is an art form, a science, math, language, qualitative and quantitative memory of the knowledge acquired through experience and exposure, we as people of the world bring forth. Reading is a link to the past and a vision of the future.

The Experience of Reading

It is a tactile multi sensory experience where even touching the pages of a book can be shear joy. Reading is everywhere, from street signs to tee shirts, theater marquees, food containers, foreign films, tattoos, job applications, websites, on line shopping and so on. Anywhere you look, there is something to read. You can’t go anywhere without reading. When we read we are paying homage to our ancestors, those who have come before us to lay the foundation.

The Treasure of Reading

When we are able to read, we are able to laugh a little louder, cry a little harder, feel a little deeper, we connect. Reading is alive. In this photo/video operative time we must continue to value, appreciate, and enjoy this treasure. Let’s not take reading for granted. When it comes to reading, let each one teach one. Remember it’s never too late or too early to start reading. Reading is FUNdamental.