Freedome Enterprises Worldwide

Akwabaa! We Welcome To The Library Cafe Ghana

Virtually Fostering Unity, Creating Healing & Building Community As We Engage & Inform Audiences Around The World

Many Truths to Tell

As the original people, African people have laid a strong foundation for humanity and what it means to be human. Our ways have set the tone and stage for all of humanity. Yet, past traumas and an attempt to erase us from history has made it next to impossible for us to surface our greatness on the world stage. This is the platform on which we remedy the misnomers, lies and inaccurate truths. We are here to elevate the palette of humanity by reawakening and reintroducing all people to the greatness of the original people, African People.

Three weeks in every season, after the equinox or solstice and each week, a different focus with different truths to tell.  The library Cafe Ghana offers virtual experiences that provide a safe and enjoyable space where listening with compassion is our greatest tool for mending divisions and building relationships of respect and understanding.

Special events are held here at LCG as well. One of them could be yours! We encourage you to come join us.  

Our Schedule

Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays   11:30 AM to 5:00 PM EST

 Sundays 3:00 to 5:00PM EST

The Library Cafe Ghana Programs

Welcome to LCG’s Virtually Amazing Program Schedule. Feel free to join us for any of the following programs by clicking the link below.

Meeting ID: 233 514 5500           Passcode: Unity

Conversation with the CEO

Tues/Thurs/Sats from 11:30am – 12noons

An opportunity to know and love the creator of this platform, Freedome Nsoroma Lee-El, and to better understand her vision as well as her point of view.  

In The Living Kitchen

Tuesday 1pm – 2pm2

Learn the wherefores and how-tos of preparing foods that are alive with pleasure, and bring about healing, health and a whole lot more, in The Living Kitchen.  

The Food Pharmacy

Thursdays 1pm – 2pm

Learn to Transform basic foods we eat into the powerful medicine we need at the Food Pharmacy. 


Saturdays 1pm – 2pm

Learn to decrease your eco footprint for better living, as you experience nature, the environment and our earth with a whole new consciousness in Green World

Movie Night

Tuesdays 3pm – 5pm

Viewing powerfully potent timeless films that lead to probing conversation and help to expand our understanding and illuminate our thing on a number of subjects is the jist of LCG’s Movie Night.  So pull out your popcorn or your favorite snack, jump on the Zoom and enjoy. 

Call to Prayer

Tues/Thurs/Sats from 12 noon – 12:15pm

There are many ways to pray, and if there’s anything we know at LCG with out doubt or fail, it’s that prayer works.  So in this section of our programing we share prayer of all kinds, to inspire a greater stronger connection with Source.  

The Literature Lounge

Tuesdays 2pm – 3pm

Meet authors, listen to readings and find  out the wherefores and whys from the author’s point of view, as you acquire an appreciation and love for all things literary, at the Literature Lounge.  

Truth Be Told

Thursdays 2pm – 3pm

Valuable Lessons in ourstory, told by Griots, Historians, Storytellers, Actors and Eyewitnesses on our program , Truth Be Told .  

The Reading Room

Saturdays 2pm – 3pm

It’s all about the children and the power of learning through literacy in The Reading Room.

The Power of African Unity: A Conversation

Thursdays 3-5 pm

Engage with us in groundbreaking conversation that leads to unified thought, words and actions.  This is a really important program that helps us sift through the ideas and beliefs that keep us divided to break down the walls that divide us and leave us on one harmonic chord of understanding.

Keep Moving

Tues/Thurs/Sat from 12:15 – 1pms

As humans, we are created to move.  This program presents a multitude of ways to get us moving in the right direction. We know that physical movement heals wholistically, so each session and type of movement presented facilitates a healing for every part of us.  

The Market Place

Sunday 12pm – 3pm

Meet with artisans from around the world, in their studios, learn about their merchandise and purchase from them at The Market Place.  (Closed until further notice.)

Kujechagulia State of Mind

Sunday 3pm – 5pm

 All things self-determining are on the table at  Kujichagulia State of Mind. It’s a program created to challenge your power and self- determination as you manifest.

The Shrine House

Thursdays 3pm – 5pm

A Fela inspired experience, where artists gather to tell their stories of music and life.   Each week an artist comes to share his or her journey, music and life with our LCG audience.  It’s riveting, enlightening and always a joyful celebration of sound. 



Zoom in at the following Link
Starting September 26th, 2023